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Piggin in Printed Books and Indexes |
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Robert PIGGIN 1610 CHS A2A
Declaration of Robert Piggin that he is heartily sorry for unreverent speeches which he used to the Mayor's Officer of Chester, viz. that he would sell wares to any freeman all the year long.
Document reference: ZM/L/6/53 [2nd?] Oct., 1610 in Chester Archives: see A2A
This database consists mainly of miscellaneous published references to persons named Piggin. Other than the extractions by FONS and a few items mentioned in a 19th century letter from the vicar of Alfreton in my possession, all this material has previously been printed, has appeared on the Internet or CD-ROM or can be found in publicly accessible archives. This compilation was begun in February 1999.
Alexander PIGGIN 1665 CN
colonial settler in Connecticut
# Pygan, Pygon, Piggin, or Piggon, Alexander, New London 1665, perhaps earlier, from Norwich, Co. Norf.
m. 17 June 1667, Judith, d. of William Redfield, had Sarah, b. 23 Feb. 1670; and Jane, Feb. 1671.
His w. d. 30 Apr. 1678; and in short time he rm. to Saybrook, there was an innhold. m. 15 Apr. 1684, Lydia, wid. of Samuel Boyes, had only Lydia, b. 10 Jan. 1685, and went back to N. L. bef. her b. there he d. Sept. 1701, and the wid. d. 20 July 1734. Sarah m. 8 July 1686, Nicholas Hallam; Jane m. 29 ar. 1694, Jonas Greene; and Lydia m. 15 Dec. 1709, Rev. Eliphalet Adams.
In the modest, model, memoir of that clerg. by Miss Caulkins, the first artic. of 4 Mass. Hist. Coll. I. some particulars of his f.-in-law, the only male of this name may be read.
Genealogical Dictionary of New England Settlers Volume 3 page 497
# IGI has:
Lydia PYGAN of New London, Conn.
married Eliphalet ADAMS 1709/12/15
# referred to in Colonial Families of the United States of America, Volume 2, page 714: one Joseph Trumann settled in New London in 1666 and purchased some pits for tanning from Alexander PIGGIN in 1667. An additional reference to this is in the Hamilton HURD History of New London County, Connecticut.
Andrew PEGGIN 1903 NY
died 1903 by suicide: Report 1903 Feb 13, page 3, col 2, indexed in 1903 Index to the New York Times, p602.
Anna PEGGIN 1783 NJ
second wife of Peter Hoffmann (?) 1766-1841, she is stated to have been born 1783, marriage in or after 1801, died 1809/04/22 at age 26. There is no suggestion she was German: the other three wives also have English-sounding surnames.
mentioned in section Hoffmanns of Le**** in
The Early Germans of New Jersey; Their History, Churches and Genealogies
Anthony PIGGIN 1615 LND
marriage licence issued by Bishop of London: 1614/15 Jan 19: Anthony Piggin of St Botolph, Bishopsgate, London, widower, & Sarah IRELAND, of St. Trinity the Less, said city, widow of Thomas Ireland, late of same, merchant; at St. Trinity aforesaid.
Cf. marriage 34 years earlier of Anthony PIGGEN to Marye ARTHUR at St. Botolph Bishopsgate 1580/10/16
Source: Allegations for Marriage Licences Issued by the Bishop of London, 1520 to 1828, compiler Joseph Lemuel Chester, vol. II, 1887 London, page 81 [information sold by Macauly Mann Heraldry to the late Harold Piggin who sent it to me 1989/12/29]
Betsey PEGIN 1843 MA
mother of nine-year-old child Amanda White who died of consumption 1843/05/30, father's name Henry (White?)
from Vital Records of Sturbridge, Massachusetts to the year 1850
Bristoe PIGGON 1600 GB
Exchequer: King's Remembrancer: Certificates of Residence. These certify that the persons named in them were, at the time of assessment, resident at the place specified in the certificate, and that they had already been taxed at that place. Covering Dates: Edward VI - Charles II. In PRO, Kew.
See http://catalogue.pro.gov.uk Document references E 115/292/131, E 115/293/116, E 115/293/122, E 115/293/134, E 115/293/135, E 115/295/105, E 115/297/40, E 115/302/95, E 115/304/1, E 115/306/132, E 115/308/106, E 115/309/21, E 115/310/59, E 115/311/28, E 115/314/26, E 115/315/139, E 115/317/26
(references state only Pigeon, Piggion, Piggon, Bristoe: H.M.H.)
One document, E 115/310/27, gives address as Middx. instead of H.M.H.
Charles PIGGEN 1604 GB
A footman to Prince Henry in 1604, listed in the Lord Chamberlain's Accounts for the Royal Household as receiving fabric for his livery.
See Alan H. Nelson transcript.
Dan PIGGIN 1666 VA
recipient of Virginia land patent or grant
See page 258 of Nugent, Nell Marion: Cavaliers and Pioneers: Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants, 1623-1666. Vol. 1. Richmond [VA]: Dietz Printing Co., 1934. 767p. Reprinted by Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, 1983. Family Tree Maker's disk Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1538-1940 describes this series as a record of 20,000 very early immigrants, with much relevant information. Taken from Patent Books 1 through 5. Title page states "In 5 volumes", but up to 1979 only three had appeared. See nos. 6221 and 6223 for second and third volumes, published in 1977 and 1979. Issued originally by Nugent in parts between 1929 and 1931; the parts were then largely incorporated in this work, indexed by Family Tree Maker as no. 6220. I have not personally had the opportunity to see Nugent's book.
Dan PEGGIN 1652 VA
Dan. Peggin: migrated to Virginia 1652. (sponsored?) by Lawrence Dameron, Northumberland Co.
Early Virginia Immigrants 1623-1666
David Frederick PIGGINS 1934 ENG
Congregationalist minister: born 1934 Oct 30 at Fulham, trained at Western College, appointed 1965-70 at Feltham, 1970 onwards at Balham, United Reformed Church, died 1993 April 20, married Audrey ... Source URCYB 1994, page 275
presence at Bicknoller, Somerset, on 1645/03/20, mentioned in will of Edith Long (1782), cited in Society of Genealogists Great Card Index
Edmond PIGGON 1600 GB
Exchequer: King's Remembrancer: Certificates of Residence. These certify that the persons named in them were, at the time of assessment, resident at the place specified in the certificate, and that they had already been taxed at that place. Covering Dates: Edward VI - Charles II. In PRO, Kew.
Pigeon, Piggion, Piggon, Edmond: H.M.H.
See http://catalogue.pro.gov.uk Document reference: E 115/298/137 E 115/311/4, E 115/312/103, E 115/317/64
Edmund PIGGIN 1651 ESS
Defendant in Essex prosecution, Sessions Roll, Midsummer 1651
Edmd. Piggin of Great Braxted, for keeping unlicensed alehouse.
Reference Code Q/SR 349/65 at Essex Record Office
Edward PIGGEN 1737 NFK
Piggen, Edward of Aylsham
subscribed to An Essay on Hot and Cold Bathing. By John King, Apothecary., 1737, KING, John. London
Printed by J. Bettenham for the Author: And Sold by A. Bettesworth and C. Hitch in Pater-noster Row, and the Booksellers in the Country.
Record 882340 of 1526399 on the first two of five disks of Avero Publications' Biography Database 1680-1830 (contains national, town, and trade directories of the UK and USA - all known book subscription lists - all birth, marriage, death, promotion, court martial, and bankruptcy notices from a number of regular journals including the Gentleman's Magazine from its inception in 1731 to 1870 - all extant society membership lists from the period).
Extracted 1999/08/09 from www.ancestry.com
Eleanor PIGGIN 1854 NSW
emigrant to New South Wales
arrived on the Kate in 1854 at age 33, according to NSW State Records Immigrant Index 1844-59
searched 1999/09 on http://www.records.nsw.gov.au/
Elias PIGGIN 1600 LDN SocGen
master plasterer in City of London, mentioned in diverse indentures of apprenticeship as follows:
Henry Dawson, son of Henry, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, yeoman, to Elias Piggen, 19 Jun 1600 [John Dawson 'undertook for his service'], Plaisterers' Company
John Chaplyn, son of John, Pershore, Worcestershire, millward (deceased), to Elias Piggen, 6 Jul 1604, Plaisterers' Company
Philip Hughes, son of Hugh Richards, Monmouth, Mon, Wales, husbandman, to Thomas Hayes, 6 Jul 1604 [8 Dec 1609 turned over to Elias Piggen], Plaisterers' Company
Edward Roberts, son of Edward, Thatcham (in Ms 'Facham'), Berkshire, weaver (deceased), to Thomas Atkynson, 6 Jul 1604 [30 Mar 1609 turned over to Elias Piggen], Plaisterers' Company
Thomas Bate, to Elias Piggen, 25 Jul 1607, Plaisterers' Company
Thomas Wilson, to Elias Piggen, 6 Nov 1607, Plaisterers' Company
Edward Jenkes, to Elias Piggen, 30 Apr 1610, Plaisterers' Company
George George, son of Richard, Hereford, Herefordshire, butcher, to Elias Piggen, 25 Jan 1612/13, Plaisterers' Company
Richard Simonds, son of Anthony, Wotton under Edge, Gloucestershire, yeoman, to John Morley, 4 Nov 1618 [11 Aug 1620 turned over to Elias Piggen], Plaisterers' Company
Richard Morris, son of John, Monmouth, Mon, Wales, plasterer, to Elias Piggin, 22 May 1626, Plaisterers' Company
Randolph Bird, son of George, Sleagill (Morland), Westmoreland, husbandman, to Elias Piggin, 22 May 1626, Plaisterers' Company
All above listed in London City Apprenticeships Abstracts (1568-1850) at Society of Genealogists, London
Eliza Easton PIGGINS 1866 AKL
Intention to Marry 1866/04/11 Auckland district
widow, 23, 3 days resident, Auckland
to Ebenezer Johnston, mariner, 30
at Hobson Street Presbyterian Church
BDM 20/11, p. 81/2764
seen 1989/01/27 at NZ National Archives
note: 22 years later George Piggins married Fanny Johnston: was this a preconnection?
Elizabeth PIGGIN 1673 NTT
Nottinghamshire marriage licences, Volume 1, Archdeaconry 1577-1700, Southwell 1588-1754
in: Index Library, volume 58, p. 286
1673: John HOOD of Ratcliffe on Soar, f.w.k., bac[helor], 25, and
Elizabeth Piggin, p. St Nicholas, Nottingham, spr [spinster], 22,
at Ratcliffe on Soar or Radford
Noted 1989/01/31. Did framework knitters exist in 1673?
Elizabeth PIGGING 1598 LIN GCI
Stamford St. George (Lincs.)
reference in Society of Genealogists Great Card Index
not in 1988 IGI
vexatious litigant, possibly the same as Elias above
6 January 1591
A letter to the Lord Maiour of London, Sir George Barnes, Sir John Hart, knights. Alderman Buckley and Mr Thomas Aldersey, or to any iij. We have ben enformed by one George Coales, grocer of that Cittey, and by others of good credit that one Walter Agar, habberdasher, of a verie contencious and malicious humour hath within theis two yeres last past comenced and procured divers and sundry suts in law in the Courts at Westminster and in that Cittie, purposelie to vex and molest the said Coals, wherein notwithstanding the covenous and subtil practizes of the said Agar, we are informed that sundrie trials have passed with the suppliant. And forasmuch as we are likewise informed that the said Agar hath divers tymes bin most ernestlie delt with by the late Lord Maiour, by the Court of Aldermen and by divers others Godlie prechers and others to comit al controversies to the final determinacion of indifferent neighbors, hath obstinatlie behaved himself, or in contemptious manner neclected their mediacions in this behalf, though the matters be of smale moment, we have therefore thought good to praie and require your good Lordship to cal the parties before you, and use such severe course for the restraining of the said Agar's disordinat manner of proceeding as the suppliant mate have no cause to complaine, and by the punishment to be inflicted upon his contencious person others by his example mate be forewarned [not] to attempt the like. And so referring the whole to his Lordship's examinacion.
We understand that one Ellis Piggin hath comenced suts against the said Coals by the procurement of the said Agar, whome we would have you send for and proceed with in like sort as with Agar him self, according to the tenour of this our letter.
Source: Public Record Office; Title: Acts of the Privy Council 1591 48
Elloner PIGGON 1658 DEV GCI
Barnstaple (Devonshire)
reference in Society of Genealogists Great Card Index
Emma PIGGINS 1998 NJ
probably a former resident of New Jersey
referred to in the Genealogy Library, New Jersey Vol 1, Page 178 as follows: "(somebody (Lisley?) of) ... Pine street Trenton. Married Emma Piggins and has one child Charles Lisley..." Source document entitled Genealogical and Personal Memorial of Mercer County indexed in Family Tree Maker Online and extracted 1999/02.
E.O. PIGGIN 1920 NSW Australia
composer of the Braintree Waltz, apparently named after the family's estate at Corowa in New South Wales. Eric Piggin was an accomplished pianist. The 7-page score is in the National Library of Australia. See http://nla.gov.au/nla.mus-an7452489. Extracted 2003/04/18
Ethel PIGGIN 1942 NY
Miss Ethel Piggin, volunteer, New York
W14688/W14395/1676/49 at PRO London
in Index to F.O. General Correspondence 1942
# also: Ethel PEGGIN (sic)
volunteer, United States re-entry permit for
W 5694/1/49 at PRO
in Index to F.O. General Correspondence 1943
Australian soldier, whose letter to the headmaster of Canberra High School 1942 is quoted thus: "After reaching the end of the Kokoda Trail, an infantry officer wrote to his former headmaster: 'I have seen men standing knee deep in the mud of a narrow mountain track, looking with complete despair at yet another seemingly insurmountable ridge. Ridge after ridge, ridge after ridge, heart breaking, hopeless, futile country'."
Page 5. Endnote at page 243 identifies him as F. Piggin, Capt. 3 Sn. Survey draftsman; of Drummoyne, New South Wales; b. 1917. Further note at page 259.
Source: Johnston, Mark; At the Front Line; Cambridge University Press, 2002, ISBN 0521523230
Florence PIGGINS 1905 LIN
accident victim, housekeeper, see Fens Piggins
The 1907 accident in Grantham, Lincs. which she was killed is described in a chapter, Disaster on Somerby Hill, in the book Lincolnshire Headlines
A horse bolted, taking the wagon it was pulling away at high speed. The only male passenger fell out of the front of the waggon and went beneath its wheels. The women in the waggon began to panic. There was a door at the back and, despite the frantic pace at which the maddened horse was now galloping, Miss Florence Piggins leapt out into the road. The 47-year-old housekeeper, who had been staying at Humby for a few months, hit the metalled road surface with a fearful crash and rolled over three times. She was killed instantly. With three people dead an inquest had to be held. A verdict of accidental death was returned by the district coroner. (pp 58-60)
Frederick PIGAN 1794 PA
mentioned in land deed
Informant: "... from a book called A Pennsylvania Pioneer published by the Ball Estate Association in 1900. The book relates to a man named Joseph Ball. The reference is on page 615 - in a deed dated Feb 10, 1794 - in Philadelphia County - in a list of names and land plat descriptions (which goes on for over a page) - "... thence partly by land now or late of Frederick Pigan... "
George PIGGINS 1878 AKL
Intention to Marry: dated 1878/11/20, Auckland district
George PIGGINS, bachelor, carter, 24, 24 years in NZ, Khyber Pass, Auckland, and
Fanny JOHNSTON, spinster, cook, 25, 3 years in NZ, Newmarket
at St. Marks, Remuera
BDM 20/23, p. 178/358
seen NZ National Archives 1989/01/27
carrier, Auckland
Eden - County Lands £10, total value £10
In: A Return of Freeholders of New Zealand 1882
noted for me by Ray Sturtivant
Henry PYGYN 1290 SAL PRO
Henry Pygyn to grant rent in Ludlow to a chaplain in the church of St. Lawrence there, retaining land. Salop. [Calendar of Patent Rolls gives amount as 58s. 4d. and date May 27, 1292, with location of licence Durham]
Chancery: Inquisitions Ad Quod Damnum, Henry III to Richard III
Date of this piece: 19 EDWARD I.
At PRO, Kew. Document C 143/15/32. http://catalogue.pro.gov.uk
Henry G. PIGGIN 1920 NJ
He is shown in a photograph as husband of postlady Elizabeth Remine ca. 1920 in a history of Browns Mills:
"It was Henry G. Piggin, a native of Trenton, who won Elizabeth's hand in marriage. Henry passed through Camp Dix on his way to serve in WWI, returning later to make his home in Trenton with Elizabeth (Courtesy Julia Robertson)."
Source: page 49 of Reynolds, Marie F., Browns Mills, Arcadia Publishing, 2000, ISBN 0738504513
Hugh PYGEON 1486 WAR
Hugh Pygeon, son of Joyce, sister of William Bret
v. William Palmer, son of Johane, also sister of William Bret, and Thomas More, parson of Birmingham
re: lands in Austley and Barr and detention of deeds related thereto
in: Early Chancery Proceedings, Bundle 156 , number 62, at PRO
Index Vol III, p. 269
1486-1493 (but possibly 1504-1515, says index)
Hugh PIGGON 1600 GB
Exchequer: King's Remembrancer: Certificates of Residence. These certify that the persons named in them were, at the time of assessment, resident at the place specified in the certificate, and that they had already been taxed at that place. Covering Dates: Edward VI - Charles II. In PRO, Kew.
Pigeon, Piggion, Piggon, Hugh: H.M.H.
See http://catalogue.pro.gov.uk Document reference: E 115/293/153
Isaac PIGEN 1738 PA
Pennsylvania Quaker
'At New Garden Monthly Meeting, 9 Mo. 25, 1738, "Isaac Pigen having recd. a Letter from his father þt lives in Ireland, since our Last moly meeting which requests him to return thither as soon as possible & þe season not permitting him to stay untill next meeting, a certificate is to be prepared and signed for him."'
mentioned in section headed:
"Chester County. Established in 1718, from Newark or Kennett"
of the book The Immigration of the Irish Quakers into Pennsylvania
extracted from http://www.ancestry.com in 1999/02
mentioned at pp. 53, 54 of:
Heralds of the Cross; a memorial of one hundred years of United Methodist Lay Ministry in and around Nottingham, ed. by Rev. R.J. Bell and J.D. Crosland, Long Eaton, Butler, 1926. See also Henry.
founder of Piggin's Charity
Mrs. Jane Piggin or Picken, by will dated 1612, bequeathed £13 6s. 8d. to the corporation [of Warwick] from which £1 was to be paid yearly to the vicar and churchwardens of Holy Trinity parish and distributed among poor parishioners. In the 19th century this payment was regularly received and 4d. apiece was distributed among 60 poor people at Christmas. ... In 1906, because of the difficulty already experienced in the parish in finding recipients for parish and municipal bread charities, application was made for the establishment of a Scheme.
This in its final form directed that part of Baron's Charity and Cockesonne's, Elkington's, Godfrey's, Jesson's, Piggin's, Yardley's, and Younge's charities should be administered by the churchwardens under the title of the Holy Trinity United Charities. Apart from Godfrey's Charity, which was to be spent on clothing for a poor boy living in the parish, the incomes of the rest were to be applied to the benefit of the parish poor (with preference in the case of Baron's Charity for residents of New Street and West Orchard and in the case of Younge's Charity for residents in West Orchard) in the form of clothes, fuel, tools, medical aid and other necessaries, or temporary financial relief. The total income of £31 12s. was being duly received and applied in 1964.
From chapter The City of Coventry: Charities for the poor in A History of the County of Warwick: Volume VIII, W.B. Stephens (Editor) (1969), reprinted at http://www.british-history.ac.uk/.
See also records at Charity Commission: number 228107, Holy Trinity United Charities.
Party in trial before Surrey Quarter Sessions Court: Epiphany Sessions 1791
Notice of trial of traverse by the solicitor of Jane Piggins upon an indictment for assault brought against her by Ann Buller - ref. QS2/6/1791/Eph/57. Document at Surrey History Centre.
Joane PIGGYN 1619 LON
Dec 11: marriage licence issued by Bishop of London
to wed Thomas HOGGERY, of Hanwell, Co. Middlesex, husbandman: Joane Piggyn, dau of [blank] Piggyn, deceased, at Hanwell aforesaid
Source: Allegations for Marriage Licences Issued by the Bishop of London, 1520 to 1828, compiler Joseph Lemuel Chester, vol. II, 1887 London, page 81 [information sold by Macauly Mann Heraldry to the late Harold Piggin who sent it to me 1989/12/29]
Johannes PIGUN 1211 GB
listed in Curia Regis Rolls of Reigns of Richard I and John. Year: 1211
(2) 6. p. 160 (i.e. volume 6 published 1932)
listed in Kuhn, Middle English Dictionary, 1954- (1983), who treats it as a spelling of Pigeon
noted 1989/04/11
John PYGGYN 1582 LDN
Taxpayer in Bridge Ward of London, imposition of 3 pounds represented one tenth of his moveable goods.
Indexed by Alan H. Nelson (Lay Subsidy Returns for 1582) from document 167 as transcribed in R. G. Lang, Two Tudor Subsidy Assessment Rolls for the City of London: 1541 and 1582, London Record Society Publications 29 (1993), reproduced at www.british-history.ac.uk/
John PIGGEN 1593 DBY
Deceased subject of case before Court of Chancery: Inquisitions Post Mortem, Series II
Case name: Piggen, John: Derby
Date: 36 Elizabeth
In PRO, Kew. See http://catalogue.pro.gov.uk Document reference: C 142/278/138
Also in: Lists and Indexes volume XXVI (Inquisitions Post Mortem, Chancery Series II, vol. 278, number 138)
John PIGGON 1600 GB
Exchequer: King's Remembrancer: Certificates of Residence. These certify that the persons named in them were, at the time of assessment, resident at the place specified in the certificate, and that they had already been taxed at that place. Covering Dates: Edward VI - Charles II. In PRO, Kew.
Pigeon, Piggion, Piggon, John: H.M.H.
See http://catalogue.pro.gov.uk Document reference: E 115/303/112 E 115/309/86, E 115/313/65, E 115/315/141, E 115/317/63
John PIGGIN 1605 HEF A2A
tenant of cottage at Hardiwick near Clifford, Herefordshire. As this is an area where the Pigeon family lived, this is probably a misspelling of his surname.
Lease by James Penoyre of the Moore, gent., to John Piggin of the Hardwick, yeo., and Margerie his wife. Property: Cottage where (2) dwell, with another cottage adjoining, with a water-corn mill called Melin yr Hardwick al. Term: 21 years. Rent: 40s. p.a. Source: Herefordshire Record Office: Records of Penoyre of the Moor. Searched through Access to Archives.
resident of Beer Lane, All Hallowes Barking, London
Property rental assessed at four pounds. In The inhabitants of London in 1638 T.C. Dale (1931), Ms. p. 11a
http://www.british-history.ac.uk/, searched 2005/01
John PIGENS 1685 NY
resident of upstate New York
State Index: Upstate NY Claverack, Vol 6: page 5, period 1680-1689, an index of names that appear in quarterlies published by Kinship (www.kinshipny.com).
John PIGEN 1773 US
transported prisoner to United States
Pigen, John. Sentenced to transportation Lent 1773. Nottinghamshire.
The Complete Book of Emigrants, 1607-1776 (Correct title should be The Complete Book of Emigrants in Bondage, according to 1998 Genealogical Research Directory)
indexed on FamilyTreeMaker CD 350
Place: America
Year: 1773
Primary Individual: Pigen, John
Source Code: 1217.9
Source Name: COLDHAM, Peter Wilson, Bonded Passengers to America. 9 vols. in 3. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983. Vol. 9.
Midland Circuit, 1671-1775: Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Rutland, Warwickshire, and Strays
[misc.]. 60p. Source Page #: 29
also on FamilyTreeMaker CD 354
John PIGGIN 1793 NTT
John Piggin, (1793-1880), Hucknall, was a butcher. "He was a remarkable man for the good that he wrought in the parish." So says the Hucknall Historian, Mr Beardsmore. He was for many years Superintendent of a Sunday School with three hundred ..."
From: Men of Nottingham and Nottinghamshire : being biographical notices of five hundred men and women / Mellors, Robert; Nottingham, 1924, page 160.
See also the notice of this entry in:
British Biographical Archive
Fiche: II 1708,297
Part of: World Biographical Index - K. G. Saur Publishing
searched 1999/08 at Braunschweig University Library
John Henry PIGGIN 1861 NTT
author, see also obituary and Bulwell page
Name: Piggin, John Henry, aft. Fowler
Dates: 1861-
References: Fowler, John Henry
Occupations: Teacher
Archive: British Biographical Archive
Fiche: II 1708,298
Title of Source: Oxford men, 1880-1892 : With a record of their schools, honours and degrees. Illustrated with portraits and views / Foster, Joseph. - Oxford; London. - 1893
from World Biographical Index - K. G. Saur Publishing
searched 1999/08 at Braunschweig University Library http://www.biblio.tu-bs.de/acwww25u/wbi_en/log_li.html on 1999/08/09
burial register Sutton in Ashfield, Notts.
1757 m. Mary SHAW, Sutton in Ashfield
in Society of Genealogists Great Card Index
Joseph PIGGIN 1846 ESS Records Office
Named in two documents at Essex Record Office:
(13 June 1846) Deed of Trust for benefit of creditors who include one Joseph Piggin
Reference code: D/DQ 84/226
(1854) Deed of Indemnity between Joseph Eldred of Braintree, victualler, and John Crick of Maldon, gentleman, whereby Eldred assigns to Crick his household furniture, goods, documents and other personal property as security for the sums of £3500 owing by him to Joseph Piggin, Samuel Piggin and Rebecca Piggin and £3100 owing to Crick.
Reference code: D/DCf/B707
Joyce PIGGEN 1608 GB GCI
maiden name of person in will of Marie Ballard, 1608, her mother
in Society of Genealogists Great Card Index
passenger arriving on ship in San Francisco
See page 197 of RASMUSSEN, Louis J.: San Francisco Ship Passenger Lists, Coloma, CA, the author. Vol. 2, 1966. 384p. 2nd printing, 1969. Covers April 6, 1850-November 4, 1851. Contains Names of passengers arriving through the port of the San Francisco in mid-nineteenth century. San Francisco was the main port of entry in settlement of the West, and it is probable that many immigrants had already landed at New York and then taken ship to San Francisco, particularly in the Gold Rush days. Passengers came from all over the world, and vessels often called in other ports en route, embarking extra passengers. San Francisco ship passenger lists were formerly printed in the San Francisco Genealogical Bulletin (later San Francisco Historic Record and Genealogy Bulletin), 1963-1965. See nos. 7875-7891.
This reference in Family Tree Maker CD.
Companies Registration Office Files of Dissolved Companies
Dissolved Companies 1959: No. of Company: 369007; L.W. Piggin (Chemists) Limited.
Text (Date?): 1941
In PRO, Kew. http://catalogue.pro.gov.uk Document reference: BT 31/37826/369007
Margaret PIGGINS 1661 ESS
Witness in Essex prosecution, Session Roll, Epiphany 1662
Indictment of James Woodward alias Woodwardes of Grays Thurrock, oatmealman, assaulted John Watts. Witnesses: Watts and Margaret Piggins.
Reference Code Q/SR 391/71, document dated 5 December 1661, at Essex Record Office
Maria Gesina PIGGEN 1863 USA
wife of Johann Henrick Wolke (Johann Wessel). He was born November 27, 1846, the son of Johann Wessel Wolke, and married Maria Gesina Piggen (WFT Est. 1863-1896). He died (WFT Est. 1863-1936). Their sole recorded child was Bernhard Wolke, b. May 24; d. (WFT Est.1907-1969.) Unfortunately, there is not much information on her in this file and no information on her parents or siblings.
Maria PIGIN(S) 1868 AKL
Intention to Marry
Auckland district, 1868/03/09
Maria PIGINS, spinster, 18, 18 years resident in NZ, Wyndham Street, Auckland, to:
Edward McKEOWN, butcher, 21, of Queen Street
no parental consent noted for her: was she pregnant?
BDM 20/13, p. 66/3293, spelled without S, cancelled
BDM 20/13, p. 68/3299, spelled with S
seen 1989/01/27 at NZ National Archives
Marie PIGAN 1870 US
emigrant to United States
Place: New York, NY
Year: 1870
Age: 22
Primary Individual: Pigan, Marie
Source Code: 9873.1
Source Name: WOLFERT, MARION. German Immigrants: Lists of Passengers Bound from Bremen to New York, 1868-1871, with Places of Origin. Vol. 4. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1993. 198p.Source Annotation: Port and date of arrival. Based on Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, National Archives Microfilm Publication M237. Source Page #: 131
from FamilyTreeMaker CD 354 1999/04
Marion PIGGIN 1855 AKL
widow of George PIGGIN, q.v.
Intentions to Marry 1855: qMS GZR-G (8)/38 at NZ National Archives. Also noted at Turnbull Library?
Martha PIGEN 1784 GB GCI
wife of Rd., buried 1784 aged 42
in Society of Genealogists Great Card Index
Class Title State Papers Domestic: Supplementary
Piece/Item Title The Papers of John Astwick of Flamstead, co. Hertford, 1565 - 1613 (ff. 68-278): William Pakington to J. Astwicke: sent for the rent of tenant Pecocke; reference to Mary Piggins; [? Temp. Jas. I].
In PRO, Kew. See http://catalogue.pro.gov.uk Document reference: SP 46/57/fo 258
Matthew PIGGON 1600 GB PRO
Exchequer: King's Remembrancer: Certificates of Residence. These certify that the persons named in them were, at the time of assessment, resident at the place specified in the certificate, and that they had already been taxed at that place. Covering Dates: Edward VI - Charles II. In PRO, Kew.
Pigeon, Piggion, Piggon, Matthew: H.M.H.
See http://catalogue.pro.gov.uk Document reference: E 115/312/135
Matthew PIGGIN 1653 WAR A2A
Stratford shoemaker who provided recognizance before Borough Quarter Sessions court held at Stratford-upon-Avon.
Recognizance of John Smith of Stratford, gent., to keep the peace. Sureties William Hiccox, butcher, and Matthew Piggin, shoemaker.
Reference: BRT4/1/1/104 - date: 26 March 1653
Also witnessed a deed of land sale on 2 January 1656/7 at Stratford ("Matthew Piggine"). Reference: ER 2/66
Documents at Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Records Office.
Middleton PIGGIN 1926 CT
person referred to at page 427 of History of Woodstock, Ct. by Clarence Winthrop (Bowen, Norwood, Ms. 1926) (26,691p.), extracted from ancestry.com's American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI) 1999/01
Mildred E. PIGGINS 1937 NY
New York Times Index 1937, p. 1434
Engaged to Lawrence B. WEIR
report 1937 Feb 28, sect. VI, p. 4, col. 2
Nicholas PIGGON 1600 GB
Exchequer: King's Remembrancer: Certificates of Residence. These certify that the persons named in them were, at the time of assessment, resident at the place specified in the certificate, and that they had already been taxed at that place. Covering Dates: Edward VI - Charles II. In PRO, Kew.
Pigeon, Piggion, Piggon, Nicholas: H.M.H.
See http://catalogue.pro.gov.uk Document reference: E 115/403/95
Patsy PEGGINS 1839 KY
resident of Hardin County, Kentucky,
mentioned in a family tree in Family Pedigrees: 1500-1990, Everton Publishers, reissued on a Family Tree Maker World Family Tree CD
Submitter Name: FORD, Mildred K,
314 Sheila Ln Apt 4, Santa Maria, CA 93454
Patsy - PEGGINS - HARDIN - KY - 1839 - Resides
Submitter number: 7797
- extracted 11/1998
Peater PIGIN 1823 US
emigrant to United States
Place: New York, NY
Year: 1823
Primary Individual: Pigin, Peater
Source Code: 7870
Source Name: SAMUELSEN, W. David. New York City Passenger List Manifests Index,1820-1824. North Salt Lake, Utah: Accelerated Indexing Systems International, 1986. 290p. Source Page #: 212
extracted from FamilyTreeMaker CD 354 1999/04
Peter PEGGIN 1684 LON
London merchant who "sold" an apprentice for settlement in Maryland
listed in New World Immigrants I, Some Early Emigrants to America, page 373:
(a) A.640 An. Dowly 25. X
(b) Peter Peggin, London, Merchant
(c) Maryland 4
(d) 15th July 1684. Thomas Parkines (Abra. Bayly)
The above means:
Form A, Serial #640
Apprentice: An[drew?] Dowly
Age 25
X: signature
Apprentice bound to: Peter Peggin
From: London
Occupation: Merchant
Going to: Maryland
Years bound to: 4
Indenture signed: 7/15/1684
Witness: Thomas Parkines
Magistrate: Abra[ham?]. Bayly
Peter PIGGENS 1974 CA
author of
Sunshine Muse: Contemporary Art of the West Coast
New York, Praeger, 1974
source: U.S. National Union Catalog 1973-1977
relicta PYGON 1296 SSX
i.e. the widow Pygon
Subsidy Rolls for Sussex
quoted by Reaney, Dictionary of British Surnames, in article on Pidgen, where he relates this to Petit Johan
Richard PIGUN 1200 GB
indexed from The Hundred Rolls (2 vols, 1812-1818) without any further reference in:
Bardsley, Charles W., English Surnames: Their Sources and Significations, London, Chatto, 1889 and Tuttle, reprint, 1968
Richard PIGUN 1208 LIN
mentioned as tenant, 1208/11/18, at Gameslesto(rp)(?) (i.e. Gainsthorpe Farm, Humberside, standard reference SE 96501, 53° 30.1, 0° 33.7 W)
"in campo qui vocatur Nortwdedeile vj acras et iiij bovatas terre cum pertinenciis scilicet ij bovatas terre quas Ricardus Pigun tenuit in eadam villa ..."
Document 279, Feet of Fines for the County of Lincoln (John 1199-1216), ed. Margaret S. WALKER, London, Pipe Roll Society, 1954, repr. Liechtenstein, Kraus, 1974
Richard PIGGINS 1851 LIN
2nd Jan 1851
Richard PIGGINS, larceny, 4 months
Holland Quarter Sessions: Returns of Prisoners committed at Spalding quarter sessions
Notes: Richard was born 1826 in North Kyme and died 1890c aged 61 at Spalding
Extracted by Tina Negus
Robert PYGIN 1593 NTT
witness to the Elizabethan feud between Sir Thomas Stanhope of Shelford and the 7th Earl of Shrewsbury.
According to the book Sir Thomas Stanhope of Shelford: local life in Elizabethan times, eds. Beryl Cobbing and Pamela Priestland [Radcliffe-on-Trent, Local History Society, 2004], Stanhope (c.1540-1596) was an ambitious and confrontational Midlands landowner. The climax of his quarrel with Shrewsbury came at Easter 1593 when the earl's tenants and servants attacked Sir Thomas's weir on the River Trent at Shelford.
The flyer for this publication is at www.nottshistory.org.uk and the book was for a time noticed at: http://www.rushcliffe.gov.uk/democracy/ members_matters/2004/march.htm
We have not delved further into this, but the Derbyshire Record Office notes that Michael Stanhope (son of John Stanhope of Shelford, Nottinghamshire) had acquired Elvaston among former monastic lands at the time of the Dissolution of the Monasteries (i.e. about 1540), so we assume that the Elvaston and Shelford squires were cousins. It is conceivable that Robert Piggin was an Elvaston man in employment with the Stanhope family, or perhaps a Codnor man allied with an opponent of Stanhope, the Zouches of Codnor.
local tax collector employed by the Edward Bostock tax farm consortium in Restoration England: these sub-commissioners were, typically, impoverished ex-soldiers
[Treasury] approval of the following to be similarly Sub-Commissioners of Excise of the counties named as by the like petition from the Farmers of the said counties, said petition being recited but not prefixed in detail in each separate case, but signed collectively by E. Bostock on behalf of said Farmers, viz:
For Wilts: ... Huntingford, Ralph Matthews, and Robert Piggin
For Dorset: ... Huntingford, Ralph Matthewes, and Robert Piggin
Document references: Warrants Early XXV p. 14 (probably reference T15 at National Archives)
in: SHAW, William A.; Calendar of Treasury Books 1669-1672 preserved in the Public Record Office, vol III, part 2, London, HMSO, 1908, page 864
Robert PIGGIN 1790 RI
Rhode Island Census 1790
Piggin, Robert (Indian). All other free persons: 1
First Census of the United States, Washington, Government Printing Office, 1908
seen Los Angeles 1993
same document appears as Rhode Island 1790 Federal Census on ancestry.com with address:
Washington Co., North Kingstown town, second person categorized as "free white females, including heads of families".
Robert PEGGIN 1812 OH
schoolteacher in Ohio
Greene School was built about the year 1812. In this house one Robert Peggin was employed to teach, but his intemperate habits caused his dismissal.
p. 709, in History of Clinton County, Greene Township
extracted from FamilyTreeMaker CD 450, 1999/04, also reproduced at http://www.heritagepursuit.com/ Clinton/ClintonHGreene.htm
Robert PIGGINS 1812 LIN
Bastardy Order 1812
Elizabeth Brookes of Rushington: putative father Robert Piggins, North Kyme, fellmonger
extracted by Tina Negus
Bulwell wheelwright
# "The stocks stood in the Market Place, but old people have said that they remembered them standing by the side of the ford, east of the Leen, before the bridge was built, the ford being a little below the bridge. It is said that although the use of the stocks has become obsolete, some offences are still punishable by the offenders being placed in the stocks. Tradition says that Bob Piggin, a wheelwright, made the last stocks, about 1825, and was their first occupant."
- page 11 of partwork by Robert MELLORS, Bulwell: Then and Now, Nottingham, H. Bell, 1914, page 191 of compilation
# Notts. County Library card index: reign of George IV (George reigned 1820-1830), wheelwright of Bulwell, said to be last person placed in Bulwell stocks [appears to be a misunderstanding of the quote above, which says Piggin was the first prisoner] and refers to Mellors' Then and Now, m191
9 March 1327, Westminster
Pardon to Roger son of Dionysia Pygine for the death of Stephen de Croxton.
Source: Public Record Office; Title: Patent Roll 1 Edward III i m.20
Roger PYGYN 1331 ENG PRO
assault victim
1331 Jan 26, Waltham
Commission of oyer and terminer to Henry de Hambury, etc. on complaint by Roger de Swynnerton, the younger, that some persons carried away his goods at Tylinton by Stafford, and assaulted his servant Roger Pygyn [Tillington is a tract of land 2.5 km NW of Stafford].
Source: Public Record Office; Title: Patent Roll 5 Edward III membrane 38d; Patent Rolls Index
Sarah PIGON 1671 MDX GCI
date annotated "(?)"
Sunbury, Middlesex
in Society of Genealogists Great Card Index
Stephen PIGGINS 1837 CAM
PIGGINS Stephen, jun., Cambridge, brewer, Dec 29 1837
From: The Bankrupt Directory 1820-1843 by George ELWICK
[Contributed by Shirley Forster 2003/10/03]
Thomas PIGUN 1260 CHE
Chester R.
in Chetham Society, Remains, Historical and Literary of Lancaster and Chester, new series, Manchester 1844-1888
printed in Kuhn, Middle English Dictionary, Ann Arbor, 1954- (1983), which treats it as a variant spelling of Pigeon.
Thomas PIGOUN 1313 GLO
Sub. R.. Bristol (1)
in Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society Transactions 19, 224
printed in Kuhn, Middle English Dictionary, Ann Arbor, 1954- (1983), which treats it as a variant spelling of Pigeon.
Receipt of [Thomas] Piggins and [Charolus] Booth for £44. 0s. 10d., part of a larger sum of fines and costs to be paid by Francis Vernon by order of the Council of the March of Wales for misdemeanours and breach of the peace. Dated 1582 July 10. In State Papers Domestic: Supplementary
In PRO, Kew. See http://catalogue.pro.gov.uk Document reference: SP 46/175/fo 34
See National Archives note 354/1/1: The Council in the Marches of Wales, 1470-1688
The Council was a dual judicial and administrative body to suppress crime and disorder. In 1543 the Council in the Marches was given parliamentary sanction by the statute 34 & 35 Henry VIII c 26. In addition, the statute confirmed the administrative work of the Council, particularly in the appointment of sheriffs.
Thomas PYKYN 1353 ESS
Colchester Court Rolls
information from Macauly Mann Heraldry to Harold Piggin, evidently obtained from Reaney Dictionary of British Surnames
Thomas PYGYN 1509 LON
20: Cloth given to participants at Henry VII's funeral:
Mynstrelles: John Chambre, marshal, John Furnes, Th. Spencer, Th. Grenyng, Th. Mayre, John Avys, Ric. Waren, Th. Peion.
82: Coronation. Warrants for stuff for The Styll Shalmes: John Chamber, marshal, John Furneys, Thomas Spence, Thomas Grenyng, Thomas Mayow, John à Bys, Ric. Waren, Thomas Pegion, Bartram Brewer, minstrel. (page 42)
in: Calendar of Letters and Papers 1509-1513
604: The Kings Minstrels: Inspeximus in favor of John Gilmyn, Th. Grenyng, Th. Spence, Th. Mayowe, John Abes, Th. Pygyn ... of Patent 24 April 9 Edw. IV licensing the Kings minstrels to continue & augment the guild which they had founded in St. Pauls, London, Westm. 23 Jan. Pat. † 11. Hen. VIII. p1. m.1.
Thomas PYGEN 1568 SAL GCI
in Society of Genealogists Great Card Index
Thomas PIGGYN 1593 HER GCI
St. Martins Hereford
in Society of Genealogists Great Card Index
Almost certainly the index points to the following index:
Piggin, Thomas, gent., suburbes of the citye of Hereford
69 Nevell
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, vol. IV 1584-1604
see Index Library, volume 25 (with Pigeon)
book extracted 1989/01/31 ÷
Thomas PIGGEN 1609 KEN A2A
Yeoman from Milton, Kent who posted recognizances in three cases before West Kent Quarter Sessions
# Theophilus Fowe of Sittingbourne, blacksmith, in £10, to appear and answer charges brought by Robert Lydden and William Capell of the same, blacksmiths, for the setting up of the trade of a blacksmith, being under age; sureties, George Francklyn of the same, innkeeper and Thomas Piggen of Milton. - ref. QM/SRc/1609/52 - date: 15 May 1609
# Nicholas Cattlet of Bapchild, yeoman, in £10, to appear and answer charges brought by Robert Flud; sureties, John Cattlett of Sittingbourne, yeoman and Thomas Piggen, [as in QM/SRc/1609/52] - ref. QM/SRc/1609/53 - date: 19 May 1609
# Robert Creke of Sittingbourne; sureties, George Crafte of Eastchurch and Thomas Pigin of Milton, yeomen - ref. QM/RLv/224/6 - date: 17 July 1609. Latter document is in the series Victuallers Recognizances: a group of original recognizances taken before William Sedley, Justinian Champneis and Edmund Cook.
All in records at Centre for Kentish Studies.
Thomas PIGGIN 1664 NFK
Forncett St. Mary, Norfolk
in: M.S. Frankel and P.J. Seaman: Hearth Tax Assessment 1664, published in Norfolk Genealogy 15 (1983), page 12. This village had 10 hearths. Note that 22 of the 62 Norfolk "membranes" (bundles) have been lost, according to the introduction. Noted 1989/01/31
Thomas PIGGIN 1686 NTT
August 20: Thomas PIGGIN, parish St. Nicholas, Nottingham, baker, bac(helor), 21, and
Anne PARKINS, of same, widow,
at St. Nicholas or Radford
Nottinghamshire Marriage Licences, vol 1 Archdeaconry 1577-1600, Southwell 1588-1754
see Index Library, volume 58, p 395
noted 1989/01/31
Thomas PIGGING 1744 LEI
Settlement Orders
1744 Thomas PIGGING: Bottesford to Lincs.
Thomas PIGGINS 1772 LIN
fellmonger and master of apprentice
11 Feb 1772
Robert Hixson of Long Bennington, church warden, and Edward Young, overseer of the poor, do place John Wright, a poor child, apprentice to Thomas Piggon of the parish of Long Bennington, fellmonger, until age of 24 years.
Tho. Piggins X
unnamed PIGGIN NTT
unnamed Piggin was "occupant" of house at Arnold, proprietor John Stirtevant. 8 shillings assessed, but exonerated.
In Notts. Archives index to Land Tax Assessments, Arnold, 1830. Noted 1987
Violet E. PIGGINS 1944 NJ NYT
Mrs Violet E. Piggins to head Eastern Star N.J. unit, The New York Times, 1944 May 19, page 10, col 3
in: New York Times Index 1944, page 1166
Hilary 1203
Dies datus est Johanni de Causton' et Waltero Piggun posito loco Estrillde de Itringham de vj acris terre cum pertinentiis in Itringham a die Pasche in xv dies prece partium &c.
[Norfolk: A date is given to John de Causton and Walter Piggun attorney of Estrillda de Itringham concerning 6 acres of land with appurtenances in Itringham at a fortnight from Easter [20 April 1203], at the request of the parties.]
Source: Public Record Office; Title: Curia Regis Roll Hilary 4 John m.3
William PIGUN 1198 NFK FONS
witness and freeman
Curia Regis Rolls (Norfolk)
Easter 1198
Michael Capra petijt ij carucatas terre cum pertinencijs in Wellingh' versus Willelmum de Cursun, positum loco Willelmi de Huntingefeld' quem Ba[ldewinus] de Frivill' vocavit ad warantum; et ipse Willelmus venerat m curiam et warantizavit terram illam sicut jus suum et illam ..... unde Willelmus Capra pater suus fuit saisitus in dominico ut de feodo et jure tempore regis H patris capiendo inde explecias ad valenciam v[s] vel plus; et hoc offert probare versus eum per Rannulfum Picot liberum hominem suum, qui hoc offert probare ut de visu et auditu suo: et W[illelmus] Cursun venit et defendit totum de verbo in verbum per Willelmum Pigun liberum hominem suum, qui hoc offert defendere consideracione [curie eti per alium si de eo male contigerit. Consideratum est quod duellum sit inter eos. Plegius Willelmi defensoris Rogerus de Divill'; plegius ..... ..... Dies datus est eis in adventum justiciariorum.
Michael Capra sought 2 carucates of land with appurtenances in Wellingh' against William de Cursun, attorney of William de Huntingefeld, whom Ba[ldwin] de Frivill called to warrant; and the said William had come into the court and warranted that land as his right and that ..... of which William Capra his father was seised in demesne as of fee and right in the time of King Henry the father [1100-1135], taking esplees therefrom to the value of 5[s] or more; and he offers to prove this as an eye-witness: and William Cursun came and defended everything word by word by William Pigun his free man, who offers to defend this by the consideration [of the court and] against anyone who should oppose him. It was decided that there should be a duel between them. The pledge of William the defendant, Roger de Divill; the pledge ..... A date was given to them at the coming of the justices.]
Source: Public Record Office; Title: Curia Regis Roll Easter 9 Richard I m. 1d: damaged
Also apparently the same as that quoted in Reaney, Dictionary of British Surnames article on Pidgen, where the date is given as 1200 and the source as Pipe Roll Society No. 14 (not found in number 14 though!)
William PYGEON 1504 WAR
William Pygeon, William Harecourt and Anne, his wife, William Purefy and Elizabeth, his wife, and Mary Palmer, maiden,
v. John Brendwode, of Aston, yeoman, and Eleanor Colmor, of Birmingham, widow
re: detention of deeds relating to the manor of Ansley and lands in West Bromwich, Great and Little Barr, and elsewhere, come to complainants by default of issue to Christina More, daughter of William Brett, of whose daughters Joyce and Joan, the said William Pygeon, Anne, Elizabeth and Mary are the grandchildren.
Warwick/Staffordshire 1504-1515
Early Chancery Proceedings, Bundle 344, numbers 12, 17, at PRO Kew
Index volume IV , p. 338
William PYGEN 1539 WAR PRO
deceased (?) subject of inquisition post mortem
Pygen, William: Warwick
31 Hen VIII.
At PRO, Kew. Documents E 150/1143/1 and WARD 7/1143/1: The first of these contains Inquisitions post mortem and other inquisitions (ad quod damnum, aliens, Cardinal Wolsey's lands, etc), sent to the Exchequer in support of the escheators' accounts (now in E 136). These duplicate the inquisitions in C 142, but also include unique inquisitions taken on the escheators' own authority. The second document class contains duplicates of the chancery series of inquisitions post-mortem sent to the Court of Wards for use in the administration of wardships and grants of livery, and inquisitions of lands of lunatics and idiots. http://catalogue.pro.gov.uk
First document is also listed in published volume Lists and Indexes, PRO London, volume XXIII as
31 Henry VIII, Warwickshire, Inquisitions Post Mortem
Exchequer Series II volume 1143, number 1
William PIGION 1553 NFK
William Pigion and Eleanor his wife, daughter and heir of William Hermer, citizen of Norwich,
v. Henry Ward and the widow of William Hermer
re messuages and lands in Norwich, Postwick and Plumstead and legacy of sheep
tried at Norwich
dated to chancellorship of Stephen Gardiner, bishop of Winchester 1553-1555
indexed in Early Chancery Proceedings, X: file 1373, number 54-57
PRO Lists and Indexes, vol 55, p. 81
William PYGGEN 1577 NTT
one of the Nottingham Clothing 1577-1578 (see below, page 420) (the Clothing was a body that became part of the council about this date and existed until 1835)
chamberlain 1579/80 (ibid., IV, page 421)
one of three sheriffs of Nottingham 1581-1582 (ibid.)
all so listed in Nottinghamshire County Library card index and the source, Records of the Borough of Nottingham, volume IV 1547-1625, London, Bernard Quaritch, 1889. I have a photocopy of the pages, but they add no further information.
# perhaps the same as the William who witnessed a deed in 1574 relating to land at Litchurch, Derby
William PIGGON 1641 LND GCI
St. Giles Cripplegate
Probate Oath Rolls 1641-1642
in Society of Genealogists Great Card Index
William PIGON 1665 KEN
gave deposition on oath to Samuel Pepys December 1665 concerning wreck of the Daniel hoy (i.e. a small vessel) of Dover. Pigon was on Providence fire-ship.
Calendar of State Papers - Domestic - Charles II (Series 4), volume 5, p. 129
William PIGGIN 1678 DBY
child of John of Crich
An act of Parliament begun at Westminster the 8th day of May 1661 in the 13th year of the reign of King Charles. An act of burying in wool only to lessen the import of linnen, silk, cotton, gold ... to lessen the import of linnen ... from beyond the seas to the encouragement of wollen and paper manufacturers ... [first entry:] William son of John Piggin of Crich was buried Jan 19th 1678. John Piggin of Crich made oath on 20th Jan. to Thomas Gladria one of the King's Magistrates Justices of the peace for the County of Derby that the aforesaid William was not buried wrapped up or bound in any other material but that made of sheepswool only. Witnessed by þe hand and seal of Francis Caflow and Henry Strolly.
Transcript from Crich register by Stan Piggin 1989
William PIGGEN 1704 NTT
in Nottinghamshire Archives card index: 0/4/25, 26, "s. Thomas Piggen"
extracted 1988 but not looked up
unnamed Mr PIGGIN 1638 LDN BOOK
resident of Kings Head Alley, St Michael Cornhill, London
Property rental assessed at one pound. In The inhabitants of London in 1638 T.C. Dale (1931), Ms. p. 251
http://www.british-history.ac.uk/, searched 2005/01
unnamed PIGGEN 1649 GB
A soldier in Cromwell's army who led a 1649 revolt against its officers is mentioned in a history of the Levellers. A plaque erected to him in Oxford further states that he was executed at Burford on 1649/09/18. His first name is not given.
... Captain Jones... took copies [of a tract] to Colonel Ingoldsby's regiment of foot at Oxford, where it was distributed by Sergeant John Radman, a Leveller... The men of the regiment, joined by some from Colonel Tomlinson's horse to the number of perhaps 800 to 900, demonstrated against deductions from their arrears for quarter and against the payment of arrears by debentures. They then mutinied, capturing some of their officers and fortifying themselves in New College. They demanded the reconstitution of the General Council of the Army and the implementation of the Agreement of the People published by 'our four friends in the Tower'. They hoped for, but did not obtain, help from the Bristol garrison, and they were overpowered by others of their officers before the reinforcements arrived from London. The leaders were court-martialled, and two of them (Biggs and Piggen) were shot. The Leveller leadership renounced these acts of mutiny and violence...
Source: note on page 200 of Sharp, Andrew, Raymond Geuss, Quentin Skinner; The English Levellers, Cambridge University Press, 1998, ISBN 0521625114
A2A | Access to Archives website | Searched 2002/08/20 |
GCI | Great Card Index at Society of Genealogists, London | Searched 1978 |
PRO | National Archives, Kew, London | Searched 1978-2001 |
FONS | FONS, 67 Chancery Lane, London WC2A 1AF, England | Ongoing from September 2004 |